“Ideas are still nothing but sparks in the brain until we flesh them out and get them into the real world.”

— David Duchemin

As a person with a creatively created life, I constantly find myself reading about creativity and photography, learning new skills, and seeking inspiration in the world around me.

There is an aspect of in-studio work that is needed.

And out-of-studio work is needed to keep myself growing.

Welcome to my messy blog about exploring creativity, inspiration, the world around me, and all that falls under the umbrella of being creative.

I write weekly on Substack for those looking for a regular dose of inspiration and thoughts on being a mindful creative.

Inside the Studio Ula @avibrantmind Inside the Studio Ula @avibrantmind

Consistency Made Easy: Simple Steps to Finally Liking Social Media + Free Worksheet

As a consultant and freelancer, I understand the challenges of navigating the ever-changing world of social media. In this blog, I share how I help clients tackle the complexities of social media, strategies for building consistency, and tips on how to find your own rhythm of promotion. Whether you're a photographer, writer, small business owner, or part of a marketing team, if you don't enjoy social media but know you need to promote yourself, start here. I cover discovering your audience, content pillars, platforms that help my clients stay on top of it all, and most importantly, stay sane.

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