“Ideas are still nothing but sparks in the brain until we flesh them out and get them into the real world.”

— David Duchemin

As a person with a creatively created life, I constantly find myself reading about creativity and photography, learning new skills, and seeking inspiration in the world around me.

There is an aspect of in-studio work that is needed.

And out-of-studio work is needed to keep myself growing.

Welcome to my messy blog about exploring creativity, inspiration, the world around me, and all that falls under the umbrella of being creative.

I write weekly on Substack for those looking for a regular dose of inspiration and thoughts on being a mindful creative.

Resource Ula @avibrantmind Resource Ula @avibrantmind

Where to Get Fonts: Google Fonts vs. Adobe Fonts

Before you hastily download a free font or contemplate purchasing one from a foundry, take a moment to read this brief blog if you're in search of fonts. I'll share the rationale behind my preference for Adobe Fonts and Google Fonts in most projects.

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Inside the Studio Ula @avibrantmind Inside the Studio Ula @avibrantmind

Stop Doing Things You Don't Love Out of Fear of Missing Out

I have been managing social media channels for brands for years. One key lesson I have learned is to focus on the channels that help achieve your brand or business goals while acknowledging your own time and talent if you are doing it yourself. If it feels painful, chances are slim that you will do a great job. If you don't even want to be on a platform, will you do what it takes to be successful there?

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Inside the Studio, The Business of Creativity Ula @avibrantmind Inside the Studio, The Business of Creativity Ula @avibrantmind

Sometimes, my stuff sucks: Thoughts on being a multi-hyphenate.

Hello — I am a recovering perfectionist and planner. Or maybe just a Virgo. It all started when I was practical and pursued a design degree.** It felt safe because who was going to hire an artist? I indulged in taking every available photography and printmaking course at the University. However, not seeing examples of people being successful as photographers or artists around me, it didn't seem possible. To age myself, Instagram was not a thing.

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